
Grove Base Shield V2 for Arduino 感測器擴充板 seeed原廠

NT$305 NT$240 未稅


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Grove Base Shield V2 for Arduino 感測器擴充板

Base Shield v2 是一款擴充板,其功能在於將 Arduino 開發板(主板)上的接腳以標準 Grove 接口形式呈現,以便於用戶連接其他 Grove 接口類型的傳感器(感測器),也避免了用戶在開發板上因過多跳線造成的連接失誤。這樣的一款擴充板 ,不僅方便用戶連線,也能讓開發變得更加簡潔快速且易於排障偵錯。

Base Shield V2



  • 輸入電壓的相容性:Arduino系列產品使用的電壓大多為5v,而Mbed系列產品使用的電壓大多為3v,故而許多使用者提出了關於輸入電壓相容性問題,於是在Base Shield v2版本中,我們增加了輸入電壓切換開關。此開關功能在於切換Grove口的Vcc電壓。這樣,無論是將Base Shield插入Arduino或Mbed,Base Shield v2上輸出電壓都將和開發板輸入電壓保持一致。
  • 開發板相容問題:Arduino UNO、Mbed、Arduino Yún 等開發板的引腳各有細微不同,許多用戶提出了因購買不同開發板卻無法使用Base Shield的問題,此版本中,我們規範了Base Shield v2上所有的介面,即與最新版(R3)UNO排針管腳排序一致,確保其能與絕大部分開發板完全相容。
  • 目前此版本相容的開發板包括:Arduino UNO R3、Seeeduino v4、Seeeduino Arch、Arch Pro、Arduino Mega 2560、Arduino Leonardo、Arduino Due、Arduino Yún等。
    注意事項: 若將Base Shield v2與Seeeduino v3一起使用,需將P1及P2兩個焊盤焊接好。出廠時,這兩個焊盤默認不相連。


  • 介面:Base Shield v2一共有16個Grove介面,其中A0~A3為4個類比口,D2~D8為7個數位口,UART為串口,4個I2C埠。每個埠涉及的引腳絲印都已在正面標示。長排針的絲印標示在背面。(標準Grove口的展示)
  • 指示燈原理:Base Shield上電,綠色指示燈PWR常亮。


案例將用到Grove – Led及Grove – Button,這兩款產品的介面都是標準Grove介面,可以直接插在Base Shield上使用。

Grove Base Shield v2 擴充板

具體操作:將Grove – Button連接到Base Shield的D2座子上,Grove – LED連接到D3座子上。當然你也可以將它們連接到其它座子上,前提是修改代碼。

 The circuit:
* LED attached from pin 3 to ground
* Button attached to pin 2 from +5V
* 10K resistor attached to pin 2 from ground 
* Button Control An LED 

int button = 2; //the Grove port No. you attached a button to
int LED = 3; //the Grove port No. you attached an LED to
void setup(){
pinMode(button, INPUT); //set button as an INPUT device
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //set LED as an OUTPUT device
void loop(){
int buttonState = digitalRead(button); //read the status of the button
if(buttonState == 1) //get pressed on
digitalWrite(LED,1); //turn on the LED
digitalWrite(LED,0); //or not

當按下按鍵時,Led燈將點亮;放開按鍵時,Led燈將熄滅。Base Shield的用處就在於,避免用跳線進行複雜的連接。



  • Base Shield V2 x1






Base Shield V2

Arduino Uno is the most popular Arduino board so far, however it is sometimes frustrating when your project requires a lot of sensors or Leds and your jumper wires are in a mess. The purpose of creating the Grove – Base Shield is to help you getting rid of bread board and jump wires. With the rich grove connectors on the base board, you can add all the grove modules to the Arduino Uno very conveniently!


There are intotal 16 grove connectors on the Base Shield, here we use a table to show the details.

Specification Name Qty
Analog A0/A1/A2/A3 4
Digital D2/D3D4/D5/D6/D7/D8 7
I2C I2C 4

Apart from the rich grove connectors, on the board you can also see an RST button, a green LED to indicating power status, ICSP pin, a toggle switch and four row of pinouts. There is no need to explain the RST button and LED, but you really need to know below two features that is very important for your usage.

1.Power Compatible:

Every Grove connector has four wires, one of which is the VCC. However, not every micro-controller main board needs a supply voltage of 5V, some need 3.3V. That’s why we add a power toggle switch to Base Shield v2 so that you can select the suitable voltage of the micro-controller main board you are using via this switch.

For example, if you are using Arduino UNO with Base Shield v2, please turn the switch to 5v position; while using Seeeduino Arch with Base Shield v2, please turn the switch to 3.3v.

2.Board Compatible:

The pinout of Base Shield V2 is the same as Arduino Uno R3, however Arduino Uno is not the board one that the Base Shield V2 is compatible with, here we listed the boards that we have confirmed that can be used with Base Shield V2.

  • Arduino Uno
  • Seeeduino V4.2
  • Arduino Mega / Seeeduino Mega
  • Seeduino LoraWan
  • Arduino Leonardo / Seeeduino Lite
  • Arduino 101
  • Arduino Due
  • Intel Edison
  • Linkit One


  • If using Base Shield v2 with Seeeduino V3, please solder the pads, P1 and P2.
