Raspberry Pi Sense HAT 擴充板 樹莓派原廠公司貨

Raspberry Pi Sense HAT 擴充板

內建陀螺儀(​Gyroscope)、加速度計(Accelerometer)、電子羅盤(Magnetometer)、氣壓計(Barometer)、溫度感測器(Temperature sensor)、相對濕度感測器(Relative humidity sensor)與 8×8 RGB LED 矩陣顯示

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Raspberry Pi Sense HAT 擴充板

內建陀螺儀(​Gyroscope)、加速度計(Accelerometer)、電子羅盤(Magnetometer)、氣壓計(Barometer)、溫度感測器(Temperature sensor)、相對濕度感測器(Relative humidity sensor)與 8×8 RGB LED 矩陣顯示

Raspberry Pi Sense HAT 支持 Raspberry Pi 的大量項目,它可以測量Pi本身行徑的速度(即衡量速度),它有多熱?多麼潮濕?(空氣濕度),哪個方向是Raspberry Pi面對?LED矩陣可以顯示來自各種傳感器的數據,它可以通過使用磁力計編程指南針來顯示哪種方式是地磁北極,或者簡單地用遊戲桿玩遊戲,如俄羅斯方塊,乒乓球和蛇。操縱桿也可以用於使人類用戶與在Raspberry Pi Sense HAT上運行的程序進行交互。為Sense HAT編寫程序非常簡單,可以快速方便地使用Python庫。對於一個真正的世界性項目,請查看AstroPi網站http://astro-pi.org/,其中包含在國際空間站(ISS)上使用Raspberry Pi和Sense HAT的一系列想法和說明。

該套件配有Raspberry Pi Sense HAT ,4x M2.5安裝柱和8x M2.5螺釘,可將您的Sense HAT牢固地安裝在您的Raspberry Pi 上。

Raspberry Pi Sense HAT

Raspberry Pi Sense HAT for Astro Pi

The Sense HAT from the folks at Raspberry Pi is an add-on board that fits perfectly on top of your Pi to provide you with plenty of sensing functionality. This means that the Sense HAT is great for learning about environmental conditions, particularly within space science. Sense HAT + Pi Board = Astro Pi!

What’s on-board the Pi Sense HAT?
•8 x 8, 16-bit LED display that outputs sense data via shapes, icons and messages
•Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) — essential for velocity, orientation and gravity measurement of a space craft, the IMU combines an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer into one chip
•Barometric air pressure sensor
•Temperature sensor
•Humidity sensor
•5-button joystick that serves as an on-board keyboard and mouse

How do I get started with the Pi Sense HAT?

Once the HAT is assembled with your Pi board, you will need to install Astro Pi software. You can now start to program — the Raspberry Pi Foundation provide great examples to start programming with such as showing a rainbow of colours on the LED display or rotating the LED display. Channel the Tim Peake in you…

See https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/astro-pi-guide/

Make your Raspberry Pi into an Astro Pi with the Sense HAT – Pressure, humidity, temperature and orientation sensors combined with a beautiful 8×8 LED matrix!

Attach the HAT to your Pi’s GPIO pins and you can use the integrated circuit based sensors for many different types of experiments, applications, and even games.

The sensors enable you to read:

  • Orientation (yaw, pitch & roll) via an accelerometer, 3D gyroscope and magnetometer
  • Pressure
  • Humidity
  • Temperature

The Sense HAT supports a whole host of projects for the Raspberry Pi, it can measure how fast is the Pi itself travelling (i.e. measure your speed), how hot is it? how humid is it? (air humidity), which direction is the Raspberry Pi facing?

The LED Matrix enables you to display the data from the various sensors, it can show you which way is geomagnetic North by programming a compass using the magnetometer, or simply be used to play games like Tetris, Pong and Snake with the joystick. The joystick can also be used to enable a human user to interact with the programs running on the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT.

Writing programs for the Sense HAT is very simple, with a Python library available to get started quickly and easily. For a truly out of world projects check out the AstroPi website http://astro-pi.org/, containing a host of ideas and instructions for using the Raspberry Pi and Sense HAT on the International Space Station (ISS).

This kit comes with the Sense HAT, 4x M2.5 mounting posts and 8x M2.5 screws to securely mount your Sense HAT on your Raspberry Pi.

Getting Started:

Connect your Sense HAT to the Raspberry Pi via the 40 GPIO Pins.You will then need to install the software:
Open up a terminal and run the following command:
wget -O – http://www.raspberrypi.org/files/astro-pi/astro-pi-install.sh –no-check-certificate | bash
(This will take approximately 5 mins to run on the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, and approximately 20 minutes on earlier models of the Raspberry Pi)
When the install has finished you will need to reboot your Raspberry Pi


  • Gyroscope – angular rate sensor: +/-245/500/2000dps
  • Accelerometer – Linear acceleration sensor: +/-2/4/8/16 g
  • Magnetometer – Magnetic Sensor: +/- 4/8/12/16 gauss
  • Barometer: 260 – 1260 hPa absolute range (accuracy depends on the temperature and pressure, +/- 0.1 hPa under normal conditions)
  • Temperature sensor (Temperature accurate to +/- 2 degC in the 0-65 degC range)
  • Relative Humidity sensor (accurate to +/- 4.5% in the 20-80%rH range, accurate to +/- 0.5 degC in 15-40 degC range)
  • 8×8 LED matrix display
  • Small 5 button joystick