Product Tag - SpectraSymbol 4.5"

  • Flex Sensor SpectraSymbol 4.5″ 彎曲感測器 SparkFun原廠

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    Flex Sensor SpectraSymbol 4.5″ 彎曲感測器 SPARKFUN 原裝進口

    SpectraSymbol 4.5 吋彎曲感測器,當 Flex Sensor 彎曲感測的金屬面向外彎曲時,該傳感器的電阻值會發生變化,從而可以檢測到彎曲度。

    A simple flex sensor 4.5″ in length. As the sensor is flexed, the resistance across the sensor increases. Patented technology by Spectra Symbol – they claim these sensors were used in the original Nintendo Power Glove. I love the Nintendo Power Glove. It’s so bad!

    The resistance of the flex sensor changes when the metal pads are on the outside of the bend (text on inside of bend)

    NT$800 未稅