LiPo Charger Booster 3.7V 鋰聚合電池升壓 5V1A 充電保護模組 SparkFun原廠

LiPo Charger Booster 3.7V 鋰聚合電池升壓 5V1A 充電保護模組 SparkFun原廠

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LiPo Charger Booster 3.7V 鋰聚合電池升壓 5V1A 充電保護模組

LiPo Charger Booster 使用 PAM2401 IC 的簡單升壓電路,並且包括保護二極管,以便您可以串聯運行多個電池,以增加額外的衝擊。當升壓電路運行時,該板可以吸入更多的電流,輸入電壓越低,使其在少量時間內提供強電荷是完美的。該電路是通過將MCP73831充電控制器IC饋送到LiPo端口和PAM2401升壓控制器的輸入來構建的。為電池,充電源和開關提供多種連接類型,以實現應用的靈活性,兩個LED可提供有關係統狀態的反饋。如果您的項目需要超過5V,SparkFun LiPo充電器/ Boosters也可以通過連接器連接起來,以獲得更大的電壓。

SparkFun LiPo Charger/Booster - 5V/1A




  • 充電器,microUSB,500mA
  • 增壓器,5V,1A輸出
  • 我們的1,000mAh電池的外形尺寸
  • 電池隔離開關,帶可選外部連接
  • 啟用引腳分解
  • 禁用電流小於10uA
  • LED指示燈用於電源和充電
  • 超潔淨輸出信號(高頻切換)




5V / 1A充電器/增壓器的充電器輸入,電池端口,使能引腳和輸出引腳。



為5V / 1A充電器/增壓器提供開關選項和狀態指示燈。


項目 描述
輸出引腳 得到5V,1A在這裡!’OUT’引腳用極性標記。
電池端口 在這裡插入LiPo電池通過JST連接器或直接焊接到連接器下方的PTH引腳。這些ins標有極性。
充電器輸入 供應5V,500mA這裡充電。您可以使用micro-B USB電纜或焊料直接連接到PTH引腳。這些“IN”引腳被標記為極性。
電池開關 車載開關是物理電池斷開。當處於ON位置時,電池連接到增壓器/充電器。當翻轉到OFF位置時,電池的正極引線與所有電子元件隔離,並且將繪製零電流。
EXT SW針 它們平行於板載電池開關觸點。可以通過這些引腳連接更高電流的開關。如果您不斷吸取大電流或想要遠程電池斷開開關,請在此連接。
EN引腳 EN引腳默認使能。該引腳浮起來,可以連接到地,關掉輸出。如果您的負載電路不能進入低功耗模式進行充電,這很有用。
充電LED 當充電器IC正嘗試為電池充電時,充電指示燈指示藍色。當電池充滿電時,它將關閉。 注意:如果電池正在充電時正在繪製電流,充電器可能會認為電池電量不夠充足,並繼續採購電流。
升壓LED 當輸出引腳上存在電壓時,該指示燈顯示紅色。


板載藍色CHARGE LED可用於顯示電池的充電狀態。以下是根據充電IC狀態的其他狀態指示表。

充電狀態 LED狀態
沒有電池 浮動(應關閉,但可能會閃爍)
關掉 浮動(應關閉,但可能會閃爍)
充電完成 關閉





The SparkFun 5V/1A LiPo Charger/Booster is a no-nonsense circuit for generating one amp from a Lithium Polymer battery at 5V. This LiPo charger is a very economical choice that is equipped with a simple booster circuit utilizing the PAM2401 IC, and includes protection diodes so you can run multiple cells in series for an extra kick. While the booster circuit is in operation, this board can draw more current the lower the input voltage, making it perfect to deliver a strong charge in a small amount of time.

The circuit is constructed by feeding an MCP73831 charge controller IC to the LiPo port, and to the input of a PAM2401 boost controller. Multiple connection types are provided for the battery, charge source and switch to allow flexibility of application, and two LEDs provide feedback on system status. If you need more than 5V out of your project, the SparkFun LiPo Charger/Boosters can also be daisy-chained together to get a bigger bang for your buck.

Note: This is not a direct replacement for the SparkFun Power Cell, as it uses a different IC. Also, this board does not possess any undervoltage or other battery protection features, so we do recommend that you use it only with batteries with a built-in protection circuit.


  • Charger, microUSB, 500mA
  • Booster, 5V, 1A output
  • Form factor for our 1,000mAh batteries
  • Battery isolation switch with optional external connections
  • Enable pin broken out
  • Disabled current less than 10uA
  • LED indicators for power and charge
  • Super-clean output signal (high-frequency switching)

Hardware Overview

Parts of the Board

The circuit is constructed by feeding an MCP73831 charge controller IC to the LiPo battery port, and to the input of a PAM2401 boost controller. Power always flows to the boost circuit, so an enable pin is provided to allow the booster to be shut down during charging if desired. Multiple connection types are provided for the battery, charge source, and switch to allow flexibility of application.

Board Layout 1
Charger input, battery port, enable pin, and output pins of the 5V/1A Charger/Booster.

The image below shows the location of the surface mount battery switch and external switch pins which are included to provide an additional option to control the output. Two LEDs are included to provide feedback on system status.

Board Layout 2
Switch options and status LEDs provided for the 5V/1A Charger/Booster.


Item Description
Output Pins Get 5V, 1A out here! The ‘OUT’ pins are labeled with polarity.
Battery Port Insert a LiPo battery here through the JST connector or solder directly to the PTH pins underneath the connector. These ins are labeled with polarity.
Charger Input Supply 5V, 500mA here to charge. You can use a micro-B USB cable or solder directly to the PTH pins. These ‘IN” pins are labeled with polarity.
Battery Switch The on-board switch is a physical battery disconnect. When in the ON position, the battery is connected to the booster/charger. When flipped to the OFF position, the battery’s positive lead is isolated from all electronics, and zero current will be drawn.
EXT SW Pins These run parallel to on-board battery switch contacts. A higher current switch can be connected through these pins. If you’re constantly drawing large currents or want a remote battery disconnect switch, connect it here.
EN Pin The EN pin is enabled by default. This pin floats high and can be connected to ground to turn the output off. This is useful if your load circuit can’t be put into low power mode for charging.
Charge LED The charge LED indicates blue when the charger IC is attempting to charge the battery. It will turn off when the battery is fully charged. Note: If current is being drawn while the battery is being charged, the charger may think the battery is never quite full and continue sourcing current.
Boost LED This LED indicates red when voltage is present on the output pins.

Charge Status LED

The on-board blue CHARGE LED can be used to get an indication of the charge status of your battery. Below is a table of other status indicators depending on the state of the charge IC.

Charge State LED status
No Battery Floating (should be OFF, but may flicker)
Shutdown Floating (should be OFF, but may flicker)
Charging ON
Charge Complete OFF
